I was doing the 3rd sortie of the day, killed time with orbiting on top of UTM Skudai just to see if there were any "jakuns" around there going
"Tengok! kapal terbang...."(with finger pointing)
or maybe some would say
"Ceh, attention-whore betul la mamat tu"
After about 30 minutes of flying, the clouds had become darker but for me, it was still flyable. I checked my phone and I saw 3 missed calls and 2 SMS-es all from my instructor. This was his message

Meh... okla, rejoin. On final there were some strong crosswind, I was like..... shit. I touched down safely but it seems like the main wheels were vibrating too much. One of the things I hate about Eagle, is that it vibrates so much even during normal taxying, I had to bear with this and hope I don't screw up and the aircraft is maintained well.
I went back and arrived home at 4pm. Then, suddenly I woke up at 9pm because of a phone call from my friend and later also a few more calls, hehe (I never even knew I went to sleep lol). I was having like a mild hangover (no drugs & alcohol related) when I answered the call. They were asking for the flying schedule for 12th. I'm the unpaid flight ops guy (kidding guys :p)

I then decided to go for dinner, just when I was "taxying" out, I felt something with my tyres. I checked and they're pancit. *facepalm*
On 12th I have 2 more sorties, hope that I wont be as tired as these 3 sorties.
amboi,sakan hang dok fly ehh..ceitt :P
hehe, dah bagi sape nak tolak